How Does Sedation Dentistry Work

How Does Sedation Dentistry Work?

Team Sedation Dentistry

Do you or your child dread going to the dentist? Dental anxiety is very real, and people of all ages experience it. But it doesn’t have to get in the way of your oral health. Sedation dentistry provides you with options to make dental visits more relaxing. Here’s how it works. 

What is Sedation Dentistry? 

Sedation dentistry refers to the use of medical interventions to help patients relax. The use of sedation can help patients of all ages feel more comfortable when it comes to receiving dental care. Sedation comes in different forms and is administered in a variety of ways. The type of sedation used may depend on the procedure and the preference of the patient. 

Types of Sedation Used in Dentistry 

The main types of sedation that are often used in dentistry include: 

  • Nitrous oxide. More commonly known as “laughing gas”, nitrous oxide is inhaled through a small mask placed over the nose. As you breathe in and out, a calming sensation takes over. Patients often describe a heavy feeling in the arms and legs and tingling in the fingers and toes.  
  • Conscious oral sedation. An oral sedative can be taken in pill or liquid form. It provides a relaxed feeling that may make you groggy or sleepy, but you will still be conscious and able to respond to questions and requests. 

Benefits of Nitrous Oxide 

  • Reduces stress. Nitrous oxide can take the stress and anxiety out of dental procedures for children and adults. 
  • Takes effect quickly. Nitrous oxide takes effect in a matter of minutes, so there is essentially no waiting period before treatment can begin. 
  • Wears off quickly. Nitrous oxide wears off as quickly as it takes effect. Once the mask is removed and you resume breathing regular room air, you will feel normal in a few minutes. 
  • No needles. Many people with dental anxiety have a fear of needles, but nitrous oxide doesn’t require the use of needles. 

Benefits of Conscious Oral Sedation 

  • No needles. An oral sedative is taken by mouth, so it doesn’t require any needles to administer.  
  • Deeper level of sedation. Conscious oral sedation provides a deeper level of sedation than nitrous oxide for those that need it. 
  • No mask. Some patients are uncomfortable with having a mask placed over their nose, which is not necessary for oral sedation. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry 

Can you feel pain when under sedation? 

With nitrous oxide and conscious oral sedation patients are less likely to experience discomfort. In most cases local anesthesia is still used along with sedation to ensure that patients are comfortable. 

Does sedation put you to sleep? 

The types of sedation we offer allow patients to remain conscious, just more relaxed and less aware of their surroundings. You may remember parts of the procedure, or possibly nothing at all. 

Is Sedation Dentistry Right For Me or My Child? 

Sedation dentistry may help you or your child feel more comfortable when going to the dentist. Patients who are introduced to sedation dentistry often find that their dental anxiety is greatly reduced if not completely eliminated. A consultation with your dentist is a good place to start the conversation about sedation and which type would be right for you or your child. 

Call 817-281-4801 or contact R. Renan Williams, DDS today to schedule an appointment.